The handlebar
The adolescent
The clean shaven
The Fu Manchu
The darn
Am I easily amused? Probably.
I like daytime litters, it’s warmer and Mom can check them more often. [thanks Mom, you rock] I’m still crossing my fingers for a healthy litter from Saki.
Here’s an updated picture of Dilemma’s baby. He’s finally getting cute! Don’t tell Dilemma I said finally.I'd heard that some lines of dwarfs could carry the fuzzy gene just like hollands. I should have sold her, I could have sold her - but I didn't. She made me smile =) I decided to keep her for a pet, what's one hole right? After much prodding and urging from Jersey Wooly breeders I decided to show her. She did quite well and even won her class at Convention. It was decided that she needed a boyfriend. The breeder I contacted didn't have a buck so he talked me into getting two does and using my wool carrier ND buck for now. Long story short(er) I bred these two Jersey Woolies to my wool carrier buck. My first litter appears to be two normal coats and one wooly.
So my dwarfs have wool and my woolies don't. Dang it if it didn't work.
- good things come to those that wait
This was the Blackland Prairie RBA's first show. The show staff did an awesome job and they had a good turnout! We'll be going to this show again =)
Because we got home at a decent time Saturday night and the Kansas Fun Show didn't start until 10 am we decided to drive to Wichita on Sunday. What a great decision that was. The Kansas club knows how to have a good time! This show was a lot of fun and had a very relaxed atmosphere. Kudos and thank you!
JoAnn won BOB in the hollands with a very nice BSB. BOB in the dwarfs was our Kodiak [pictured below]
Kodiak went on to win Reserve In Show!
It was suggested that the woolies need their own page so maybe it's time to take new pictures and update the website.
I'm very proud of what my Mom has accomplished with her otter project. She has some nice upcoming juniors, including the doe above. I love how nice and clean her tan pattern is. Hopefully this little gal will help fulfill one of my '09 resolutions - to grand a solid otter.