Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Here he is, the little buck that I talked about in an earlier post.
Mom and I are really excited about him. We've been really struggling with ears and crowns so I hope this guy is the start of a lot of change in our herd.
I was able to get our Evans up and running with only a little updating! What a relief. I've also got everything loaded back onto Mom's computer and can start working on the website again. YAY!
:) Melanie

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Small Talk.

Due to a series of computer issues, both mine and Mom's, our rabbit picture taking, website updating and Evans input is not happening. I'm hoping we have these issues resolved soon. Blah.
Until we get things straightened out I'll post anything we have for sale on the blog.
Holland Lop - Keep's ChaCha, 1 BOSV leg
broken siamese sable doe
We're keeping 2 siamese sable does and a broken smoke pearl buck out of her. Good mother. Goes back to THF Saynora's Zinn.
Pictures not available at this time.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Slips, trips and falls. Only you can prevent them!

Avoiding Slips

There is something so unattractive about a long folded eared slipped crown Holland, yet you see it all the time. I really can’t say much, this hazard has been the hardest for us to avoid.

Contributing Factors
· Judges that only look at the Holland with their hand wrapped around the head
· Not enough good examples to remind us it needs work too
· Bad crown and ears being labeled as an easy fix
· Because this type of Holland still wins some breeders aren’t as apt to want to work on it
· Nice(r) bodies outweighing the other issues

Preventing trips in your rabbitry!

We’ve all witnessed this horror at one time or another. Chatting amongst other Holland breeders and watching the judging, when all of the sudden WHAM, a dip so bad you could trip on it.

Contributing Factors
· Certain style of over posing that really masks this flaw
· Labeled as an easy fix
· Perhaps seen as the ‘lesser of two evils’?

How do falls happen?
Falls are a reoccurring problem. You see someone posing up a really nice Holland but every time they remove their hand from its chin it slumps back down to the carpet.

Contributing Factors
· Incorrect build for a naturally upright stance.
· Breeder(s) excuse the rabbit as being ‘lazy’.
· Judges holding a Holland (by their head) up off the table with the front feet literally not touching the table while examining them.

Why is the prevention of slips, trips and falls important?

Each of these disasters have been labeled as ‘easy fixes’. But are they really? I think if that were the case they wouldn’t be so prominent in our wonderful breed.
I believe Mom said it best when she said, ‘we all have the same goal in mind it’s just that each breeder tolerates different flaws to get there.’

Happy Friday