Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Good, the Bad and the Broken.

We made it home from dwarf nationals. Wow, what a trip.
I could not get online to update a winners list and we neglected to put the memory card in our camera. It has a feature to notify you of this mistake but it was not working! Tons of pictures taken and no internal memory. >.<
We only took 4 dwarfs. One of those should have stayed home, he was molting his head and naturally rec'd a No Place. I guess when you're driving that far and your entries are all ready paid for, we opted to take him anyways. Sienna placed 7th in the black senior doe class. Kodiak, our young and small otter senior buck placed 11th! He was slipping his coat so I was extremely pleased with his placement! Slick won his class! I was thrilled!
Mom and I try very hard not to have does due and/or new litters while we are out of town. We made one mistake. We were so eager to breed our new broken blue dwarf after her quarantine period that we didn't think about her due date. We came home to find these:

Our first decently marked brokens! I am so excited!
Thank you Dad and Matt for doing our chores!


  1. HI! I stumbled across your blog and am really enjoying it! We are just starting to breed rabbits, just having our first little Californians. Those are some cute little babies you have! =-)

  2. Congrats on the class win and on the adorable little brokens :).

