Thursday, May 7, 2009

JW Nationals.

This last weekend I attended Jersey Wooly Nationals. Thank you to the show staff for a smooth and quick show! Having risers in each coop made check-in and check-out easy!
I originally entered 2, an agouti junior buck [Hot Fuzz] and a doe to sale. At the last minute Mom talked me into bringing an agouti junior doe. The JW club actually let exhibitors do a late entry!
Of the ones brought to show, here's how they placed:

Agouti Junior Buck - 1st
Agouti Junior Doe - 1st
M.J.W.F.C. Specialty show:
Agouti Junior Buck - 1st and BOSG
Agouti Junior Doe - 1st
Congrats to Brian Caudill for not only winning BOB with a self senior doe but Best Agouti and Best Opposite Broken (now residing with Melanie of Lil' Bit Farms =) I'm sure Brian had other great placements, these are just the ones I remember lol! Thank you and congrats again!
I am very proud of Hot Fuzz. I hope he continues to follow in his mothers footsteps!

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