Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rollercoaster Ride.

Whoever said ‘breed like rabbits’ obviously didn’t know what they were talking about.

The dwarfs are my never ending rollercoaster ride. I have struggled and struggled with them. I have purchased - well I don’t even want to think about how many - we’ll say countless does and most all of them never produced one litter for me. We’ve tried the hay diet, corid, switching feed, cutting back on feed, AVC, more light, moving them outside and a few other tricks and tips. We’ve bred does 10+ times before giving up and sending them with the cull man. I sometimes think the word got out that I am a dumping ground for bad does. In all honesty, it’s been heart breaking.

I have been to the point of selling them all numerous times. Mom has been there every time to encourage me to continue on and push forward.

Raising rabbits is not easy and I don’t know of any breeder [backyard or top] that doesn’t go thru the highs and lows of getting babies / not getting babies.
This hobby is a rollercoaster ride. Think about it, every rollercoaster has a high point which thru a series of twist and turns, ups and downs takes you back down to the landing spot on level ground. The key I guess is getting to the end of the ride and saying, heck yeah let’s do it again!
Right now I’m standing on the platform looking up trying to decide if I want to ride the ride one more time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm feeling you on the roller coaster ride- and sadly enough if I want to get one once more :(. Good luck! *hug*
