Thursday, August 5, 2010


Thank you Lana for reminding me I have a blog. I didn't even realize my background had expired its been so long since I've even visited it.
Summer molts are driving me crazy. Everyone looks hideous. I swear Mom could rearrange the entire barn and I wouldn't even notice since I barely recognize anyone as it is right now.
Our barn is the fullest it has been since selling all the dwarfs. 10 nest boxes were given yesterday/today. YIKES. I see a summer sale coming once some fur grows back and we can properly evaluate.
I've been looking over juniors before work in the mornings. Some I like, some I don't. After bringing in so much new stock it's going to be a process of blending and culling for awhile. I see some definite improvements in some areas, so that gives me hope.
My baby Zero turns 4 the end of this watch for a Zero post :)

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