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Mom and I attended the NTOP Seward show this last weekend. This show is one of our favorites! Good friends and good competition!-Because Dilemma was in between litters and looking pretty good she went with us. She won a double Best of Breed :) The second judge made the comment "I'm pretty sure she has 10.5% color". LOL! -
-I'm happy with our holland placements too. Cha~Ching won his first Best of Breed and Shay won a double Best Opposite Sex of Breed. My little Cheyenne daughter, I'm so happy! I need to update her pictures. -We'll be attending the Duncan OK show this weekend and will have quite a few dwarfs for sale there.Happy Thanksgiving!!
Congratulations to everyone that attended Convention this year! Win or lose the amount of money, dedication and hard work that goes into this hobby is to be commended!
ND Open results:
Best of Breed: Joan/Maci Zier – Broken Sr. Doe
Best Opposite Sex of Breed: Coin/Nelson – REW Sr. Buck
Best Junior of Breed: Coin/Nelson – Black Otter Buck
ND Youth results:
Best of Breed: Andy Rieman – Otter Sr. Buck
Best Opposite Sex of Breed: Sarah Bobart and Scott Graham – REW Doe
Best Junior of Breed: Christie Abrams – Black Buck
HL Open results:
Best of Breed: Jennifer Poprawski – Solid Senior Doe
Best Opposite Sex of Breed: Linda Jinnings – Broken Senior Buck
HL Youth results:
Best of Breed and BEST IN SHOW!!!: Aislin Hall – Solid Senior Doe
Best Opposite Sex of Breed: Kelly Pedrotti - ? Buck
See you in Minnesota!
Or should I say barn? -Mom and I are so different sometimes. I prefer the hollands and fuzzies, she likes the dwarfs and woolies. We’ve discussed getting a bigger more commercial breed, do you feel a but coming? She wants mini rex and I want mini satins. Technically we don’t have room for either but sometimes it is fun to play around and learn more about different breeds. The woolies were supposed to be that project. There are still a few left in the barn. I can’t help it I got attached to them. -Sometimes our differences help in the evaluating and culling. Mom is a head and ear person and I’m all about the body. When we get a rabbit we both agree on it’s usually pretty well balanced. Having a second opinion on your herd is always a good idea. Too many breeders get barn blind or only judge their herd by what they compete with locally. It’s always good to think outside the box or in this case your showing area. -Mom and I travel outside our area a lot and we truly enjoy it. Going to these shows helps us realize the weaknesses and sometimes strengths in our herd. I’ve heard breeders make the remark similar to the fact that they couldn’t find faults with a particular animal and/or herd. Seriously?! Maybe you should get out more. Travel outside your comfort zone and see what others are bringing to the table. Sometimes it’s a real eye opener to what’s really lacking. Please note, you do have to be honest with yourself! I'll admit to coming home from a show and wanting to cull cull cull! -It seems I’ve rambled on with no clear direction or conclusion, but it’s Friday afternoon and that’s all that really matters. -A few pictures for the reason for this topic to begin with…-