Thursday, March 4, 2010


We won Best in Show at the Neosho Missouri show with a sable point junior doe. It was a large show (1300 rabbits) so it was a huge win for us. She won Best of Breed in the second show too! Three different judges picked her for her wins! Neither she nor I was in the mood for a photo shoot Sunday after the show, but she can be seen (for now) on our home page.
Spring is slowly coming and more and more does are settling, which is very exciting!
I have been taking pictures here and there but always neglect to actually post them to the website :(. One of these weekends I'm going to have to over haul the whole darn thing!
We have one more show before we take a break for Nationals next month. NEXT MONTH ALREADY! This means the very last of the dwarfs will be going to their new homes. The last...
Thank you to everyone who bought our stock with the offer to help us out later on if/when we decide to get back in. I wish you the best of luck! I promise to still visit the dwarf tables and harass when I can, especially you Tommy!
Happy Friday Eve,