Thursday, April 14, 2011

2011 Nationals.

Nationals is creeping up on me! We entered more than I think we ever had and I'm really starting to second guess my optimism of last week when entries were due. Spring molts and lack of junior heads is really not helping. We have until the 22nd (I believe) to make substitutions. Maybe by then I'll feel better about our entries, or not.

Mom has been diligently brushing the molty ones and I've been praying over those few who are now PRIMED that it lasts. (thanks Mom!)

I hope to work on a sales list this weekend. Unfortunately it will probably be ALL BUCKS! Does were far and few in between and the ones we did get are too young to evaluate properly.

We took a few weeks off to prevent litters under two weeks while we were in Ohio and I'm missing the babies.

In other news, we have 11 hens and a turkey that have decided to set. 11 hens much to Mom and I's disappointment. I've been earning scratch money selling fresh eggs at work and with so many hens setting it's cut our egg production down drastically. If anyone would be interested in the following please let us know:

Bantam Wyandottes (blue, black or splash) These are beautiful show birds from Garrett Justice
Splash or Blue Marans
Bantam Cochins
Who-Knows-What-Mixed-Variety pack
Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes

We'll probably grow off a few to keep but I'm sure we'll have an abundance of chicks.


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